Dr. Radek Lhotsky

Plastic Surgery Prague

Dr. Radek Lhotsky, MD. Plastic Surgeon Prague, specialist for Breast augmentations and Deep Plane Facelift

Dr. Radek Lhotsky: 15 years of practice as a plastic surgeon

„My goal in any aesthetic surgery is to achieve the most natural and functional result. I am using modern and safe techniques. The maximal satisfaction of my patients is the highest priority.“

Dr. Radek Lhotsky

Dr. Radek Lhotsky is certified plastic surgeon with the license of the Czech Medical Chamber.

His speciality include general plastic surgery, oncoplastic surgery, reconstructive surgery of the breasts and aesthetic surgery. The special interest of Dr Lhotsky is focusing on general facial rejuvenation procedures that include blepharoplasty, correction of protruding ears, facelifting and facial fatgrafting. This special interest was supported by a 6 month fellowship in facial plastic surgery in 2015-2016 in the Rotterdam, Netherlands and Ghent, Belgium sponsored by the Dutch Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and visits to worldwide renowned surgeons in facial aesthetic surgery, especially Dr. Benjamin Talei, Marc Mani and Kami Parsa in Los Angeles, USA.

Within his aesthetic practice, Dr Lhotský is offering overall facial rejuvenation which includes the unique technique of complex and extensive deep plane facelifting in combination with other adjunctive techniques used in conjunction to achieve the best and exceptional results that are incomparable to any other facelifting technique. Further information about this technique can be found here.



Do you plan a plastic surgery in Prague?

Make an appointment with Dr Radek Lhotsky, plastic surgeon and specialist in aesthetic plastic surgery in Prague.

Plastic surgery procedures by Dr Radek Lhotsky in Prague

You can find information about plastic surgery procedures and look at before-after pictures and testimonials from patients, who underwent procedures by Dr. Radek Lhotsky.

Deep plane Facelift & Necklift

Deep plane facelift and necklift is a plastic surgery of the face and neck, that enables us to achieve an intensive lifting of the face & neck while maintaining a natural appearance, which also lasts longer than with a classic SMAS lifting technique.

Read more about the deep plane technique.

Before / after pictures

Patient ReviewsDeep plane facelift & necklift

All Patient Reviews

Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement (or augmentation) will help you to fulfil your desire for larger breasts.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Breast Augmentation

All Patient Reviews

Hayley Bowfield

Breast augmentation, Brustvergrößerung, Zvětšení prsou

Forme Clinic was recommended to me by a friend (who had undergone eyelid surgery) when I was looking for a doctor to operate on my breasts. I didn’t hesitate and made an appointment with Dr Lhotsky. He is an amazing surgeon and person as well. Everything was explained to me at the consultation, which was online. All >>>


Breast augmentation, Brustvergrößerung, Zvětšení prsou

My experience with Dr Lhotsky was great. He was very professional and courteous. The breast augmentation surgery was performed under general anesthesia and I felt completely comfortable upon waking up. The nurses were also kind and caring. The result exceeded my expectations.


Breast augmentation, Brustvergrößerung

I’m happy I’ve found Formé Clinic when I was searching for a doctor to do my breasts. It was a great experience from the first touch with your clinic. Dr. Lhotsky was very helpful and understood my problem. He helped me choose the right size and shape of the implants to make my breast natural. I will be happy to recommend him to my friend >>>

Breast lift

Breast lift (or mastopexy) improves the shape and firmness of the breasts after pregnancy and breast feeding.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Breast Lift

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Breast lift, Bruststraffung, Modelace prsou

Great surgeon and even better result after breast lift surgery. I was hesitating first but I am happy I have chosen Dr. Lhotsky and Forme clinic for my new breasts.

Breast lift with enlargement

Combination of breast lift with enlargement (or augmentation mastopexy) provides greater volume, improves shape and firmness.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Breast Augmentation with Lift

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Breast augmentation with lift, Brusvergrösserung mit Straffung, Modelace prsou, Zvětšení prsou

Mockrát děkuji panu doktorovi, že mi splnil můj sen 🙂 Konečně mám krásná prsa, za která se nemusím stydět. Pan doktor je úžasný 🙂 Podstoupila jsem augmentaci vč. modelace s anatomickými implantáty Mentor a nikdo, opravdu nikdo, se mě nezeptal, zda-li mám >>>

Breast reduction

Too large breast, back ache or inadequate shape of breasts and other problems due to excessive weight of your breasts can be improved with breast reduction.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Breast Reduction

All Patient Reviews

Breast asymmetries

Asymmetry may be corrected with various methods – reduction, lift, enlargement. This surgery ensures equal shape and volume of your breasts.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Breast Asymmetry Surgery

All Patient Reviews

Gynecomastia surgery

This procedure improves the shape of male chest.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Gynecomastia Surgery

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Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty returns flat tummy after pregnancy or great weight loss.

Before / after pictures Abdominoplasty

Patient Reviews Tummy Tuck

All Patient Reviews


Abdominoplastika, Abdominoplasty, Bauchdeckenstraffung

Operaci jsem podstoupila 14.7.2020 z estetických důvodů, mohu vřele doporučit! Přístup MUDr. Radka Lhotského byl vic než profesionální. Je to skvělý člověk, mimo jiné má ohromné charisma, je to zkrátka božan!! Holky a dámy, neotálejte, nelituje peněz a >>>


Abdominoplastika, Abdominoplasty, Bauchdeckenstraffung

Než jsem podstoupila tuto operaci, obešla jsem si několik nemocnic /trvalo mi to rok/ až mě zaujala Nemocnice ve Vysokém nad Jizerou, kde díky lidskému a sympatickému přístupu pana doktora Lhotského jsem se konečně rozhodla. Nyní mám pár týdnu po operaci, jsem >>>


Abdominoplastika, Abdominoplasty, Bauchdeckenstraffung

Podstoupila jsem abdominoplastiku u pana Dr. Radka Lhotského a jeho profesionální přístup před i po výkonu hodnotím velice kladně. S provedením zákroku jsem nad míru spokojená. Mohu jedině doporučit!


Let us remove unnecessary fatty deposits on your body and obtain harmonic silhouette of your body.

Before / after pictures

Patient Reviews Liposuction

All Patient Reviews


Liposuction, Liposukce, Modelace prsou, Zmenšení prsou

U pana doktora Lhotského jsem podstoupila redukci a modelaci prsou, liposukci břicha, boků a vnitřních stehen. Pan doktor je velký profesionál. Již při první konzultaci mi nastínil, jakých výsledků lze dosáhnout a naopak, co je zbytečné v rámci operace řešit. Operace proběhla bez komplikací. Následné >>>

Arrange a date for your personal consultation

Please contact us via form bellow or by phone.
+420 224 284 421 / +420 776 553 244

Dr. Radek Lhotsky – plastic surgeries at Formé clinic in Prague

Formé Clinic in Prague is a synonym of modern medicine and warm approach to patients. Patients are admitted in a stylish environment of the clinic for consultations, preop examinations, surgeries and aftercare.

Experienced nurses and certified plastic surgeons make a great team of plastic surgery. The state-of-the-art equipment of the theatres and comfort ward ensure the highest level and safety of patients.

Formé clinic

Jeseniova 30
130 00 Prague 3

Consultation: by arrangement
Phone: +420 224 284 421 / +420 776 553 244



MUDr. Radek Lhotsky
Formé Clinic
Jeseniova 30
130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic

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